Journal Entry 1

Date: 22. 2. 2023


- Installed Unity 

-- I had some issue with downloading the right version, because the "Unity Hub" button just didn't do anything, so I had to use the button next to it - "Downloads (Windows)", which did somthing a bit different, but I eventually got there.


- Installed the extention to VS (no problem there)

- Downloaded the micro platformer template

- Modified the game according to tutorials

-- Although you explicitly wrote "all the mods are on the linked page, just scroll down" I just missed it somehow and clicked through the page somewhere else and couldn't find the tutorials, but that's just my stupid mistake.

- Built the game for windows

-- I had some difficulty uploading it to as it doesn't take folders, until I found the instruction to .zip it in the assignment text .  


After you change the max speed to 10, it is very hard to play the game.

Invested hours:

installation - cca 1h

modding the game - cca 1h

Files 27 MB
Feb 22, 2023

Get Project T

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